Intensive Leadership Embodiment Retreat with Wendy Palmer
Retreat in France
April 19-22 2023
Working with Leadership Embodiment has had a direct and profound impact in both my personal and professional life. The ability to “center” and “rebalance” has been invaluable as I grow our business through uncharted waters. These new skills have played a key role in both my home and work success.”
Wendy Palmer, the founder of Leadership embodiment is coming back to France to lead a 4 day retreat.
Retreats are a rare opportunity to come together as a community for more intensive practice of the Leadership Embodiment (LE). Living together, the group will take a deep dive using the container of self-inquiry and group support. The retreat intensive involves guided meditation and Leadership Embodiment partner exercises. Paired LE exercises are often practiced in silence for extended time with a 25 min meditation before group discussions. You must have completed both a Level 1 and Level 2 course before attending a retreat.
Wendy’s visit to Europe are becoming increasingly rare and the number of participants to the retreat is limited. If you are interested and want to secure your place at the retreat, we invite you to complete the registration form without delay.

Wendy Palmer
Wendy Palmer is the originator of Leadership Embodiment© and has been a great inspiration for Presence & Leadership. She has been teaching for 28 years. A student of Chogyam Trungpa, she holds a sixth-degree Dan black belt Aikido and keeps her own Dojo in San Francisco. She is the author of 3 books (The Intuitive Body, The Practice of Freedom and Leadership Embodiment), a DVD (Conscious Embodiment) and a CD (Recovering Your Centre). Through Leadership Embodiment International, she brings together Practitioners whom she has trained over the years. Wendy has introduced somatic coaching in numerous international companies, including Genentech, Daimler-Chrysler, Oracle, McKinsey, NASA and Pfizer.
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